Rate Your Financial Acumen Skills:
Discover Critical Skills for Advancement
This self-assessment will help you to discover where your financial acumen strengths are, and where you may need to focus more. Financial acumen is a component of The Advancing Women Formula which will help your career soar.
The Advancing Women Formula is a comprehensive guide to the leadership skills most in demand by CEOs and executives.
The Advancing Women Formula comprises:
- Business Intelligence (BQ),
- Emotional Intelligence (EQ)
- Social Intelligence (SQ)
These are all critical leadership skills that will enable your soaring career. This activity will help you to find your strengths, identify your gaps, and then do something about it!

Success stories from our participants:

Just wanted to let you know that I achieved the same bonus as my (male) peers this year. This is huge for me and a significant validation that I deserve to be there. Your coaching has really sent me up for success, not only for myself, but for my team and those around me as well. The rising tide has lifted all boats, and I'm immensely grateful for your support.

I had an insightful discussion with my boss on Friday. This gives me a good perspective about my work from his point of view. I am glad that I ask ed for his time and was able to structure the discussion with great questions that lead the conversation to be constructive. Thank you so much for your help!
Discover The Advancing Women Formula and effective strategies to boost your visibility and leadership skills at work, which will help your career soar.

Rate Your Financial Acumen Skills:
Discover Critical Skills for Advancement
This self-assessment will help you to discover where your financial acumen strengths are, and where you may need to focus more. Financial acumen is a component of The Advancing Women Formula which will help your career soar.